Wednesday, December 14, 2005

What I do not Like About Emergent

I've been waiting for an opportunity to gather more information and find time to offer something worthwhile. However, my time has been taken up in other pursuits. Suffice it to say, as I've read and studied emergent I've gained a more balanced perspective on the movement. Here are some observations on the negative aspects of emergent.

1. Renegade for the sake of being renegade. This is not true of all, but it seems to be characteristic of some. It is exciting to be "underground" and "different" and this attraction is not to be overlooked. We should be cautious of any movement or group that is a island unto itself. There are a great number of solid brothers and sisters who meet together in local churches who could benefit from their fellowship. Instead, many in emergent seem to have forgotten that these folks are no less members of Christ's body than they.

2. Doctrine is downplayed. This is not the case in all or even most instances, however, it is a dangerous tendency nonetheless. There is a temptation to overlook truth, or even deny absolute truth among some. I listened to a great program on White Horse Inn (, click on the link and scroll down a ways until you come to the link) wherein 3 young "emergent" pastors were interviewed. As I listened I realized that 2 of these young pastors were very solid. The only thing "emergent" about them was perhaps their YOUTHFULNESS! They were solidly committed to orthodox Christianity and were intent on teaching its truth to every member of their congregation. The other fellow is the stereotypical emergent pastor. Truth and doctrine are downplayed. Fellowship and community are given center stage. Fellowship, community and authenticity are absolutely essential, however, sound doctrine which exalts the Lord Jesus Christ in his person, work and office are to have center stage. Only then can true fellowship be had.

3. Style over substance. While they would say that this is what they are rebelling against, it is only too apparent that many "emergent churches" are about style. Admittedly, their style is not flashy. There style is not a production of "mega church" proportions. However, it is a certain style that they seek to embody in their quest for "authentic" worship and fellowship. And anytime style is the central issue, then, necessarily, substance is secondary.

There are many blogs and articles that will do a better job than I've done here. I'd invite you to check some of my links and search their archives. Al Mohler, Tom Ascol and others have written on this subject. Also, several books have been published on this topic as of late. I've heard positive reviews on Truth and the New Kind of Christian - R. Scott Smith. It is a critique of the theology of 2 prominent leaders in Emergent.

Something I've discovered over the last couple of months... If you lack authentic worship and fellowship in the body of Christ it is not your "local church's" fault. Then whose is fault is it? Do you really have to ask that question? Look in the mirror. If you crave greater fellowship, then show genuine love and concern for your bothers and sisters and watch them reciprocate. It is up to you to live as a 24/7 member of the body of Christ. A simple awareness that you belong to Christ and to other believers, wherever their place of worship, will change your world. You'll not need to meet in a Tavern, a coffee shop, a wharehouse, or even a "house church" to find the fellowship you crave. You'll find it everyday as you walk with Christ and become aware that you are always "in Church"!

A helpful link:


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