Saturday, November 10, 2007

Jam And Crackers For Every Age

"You've got to have something for the kids at every level," exclaimed a certain man as he instructed the ladies to his left and right at the lunch room table of our school's cafeteria. As a newbie to the table, I remained silent as he expressed his opinion that Churches must take special care to provide something special (entertaining and fun activities) for children and teenagers. I wanted to chime in, but, it didn't seem to me to be the right time.

While I agree that the church ought to pay particular attention to the development of our children, I do not agree that this is done primarily through activities and separate assemblies where "relevant", "creative" and "humorous" monologues are given, and where pop music is spread over the whole experience like grape jam over a pack of crackers - a tasty treat, with a lingering aftertaste and very little nutritional benefit. A steady diet of the thing referred to as "something special for the children" will leave them bloated, unhealthy and seeking something more to satisfy the insatiable cravings of their "high-maintenance" hearts.

When the central focus of "youth ministry" is the children themselves, then that ministry is destined to wreak havoc on their pliable hearts. Youth are not to be the central focus of youth ministry - God has reserved the central focus for Himself alone.

Not only is this true for youth; God, His glory and our enjoyment of Him in all of His incredible splendor is to be the central focus of ANY ministry. And this is something that ought to take place at all times and in all places, not just on Wednesday nights at 6 p.m. in the Warehouse, or the Wharf, or Hang Out, or Student Life Center or whatever it is called at your gathering place.

The Church has been negligent to emphasize the primacy of God and the enjoyment of His splendor in all things. It's approach has been materialistic. By building gyms, building nicer buildings, and equipping our sanctuaries (auditoriums or worship centers) with multi-purpose stages and state of the art media gadgetry, etc., Churches hope to attract a large crowd of both youth and adults. These things lack the sustenance necessary to maintain a vibrant, healthy body. Malnourishment will soon set in, and what started out as a vital and holy gathering will degenerate into a gathering of calf-worshipping pagans.

This same gentleman said, if we get 'em in church, they may wonder off for awhile, but they'll come back." Really? Why so sure? They can get better media and gadgetry at a Best Buy. Heck, many sports bars offer a more personal and more technically advanced media-rich environment than many churches. They need something more than gadgetry, technology, and entertaining activities.

I once heard a wise man say, "how you get them is how you'll keep them." If you get them with bigger nicer buildings, entertaining skits, and a "hee-haw" knee-slapping stage show, then that is how you'll keep them. If they come because they are enthralled with God and His splendor, then that is how you'll keep them.

If God is not central and His glory is not the thing that is most enjoyable to the Church, then she deserves to lose her children. And as long as her focus remains on "jam and crackers," they are better off if they do not "come back" at all.

Your thoughts?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

God is Love, Keep the Faith.

6:48 PM  

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